Affinity Metals holds a 100% interest in the Regal Project (previously known as the Allco Property) located within the northern end of the prolific Kootenay Arc, approximately 25 km northeast of Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. Property logistics are extremely favorable with road accessibility directly off the Trans Canada Highway and a main power line located in very close proximity.
2020 Exploration Updates
The 2020 fall exploration program conducted on the Regal Project successfully expanded the high grade Silver Stoke discovery from 2019. Additionally, Affinity discovered a new gold showing in the NE and the high grade Silver Slam zone.
Exploration work consisted of 3442.5 m of diamond drilling, supported by a prospecting and mapping program. The drill program resulted in the expansion of the Silver Stoke high grade silver vein system first drilled by Affinity in 2019 , and also intersected multiple mineralized horizons 320m to the southwest. The newly discovered Silver Slam contains silver-gold bearing base metal veining, and a zinc rich massive sulphide horizon. These intersections show the potential for gold mineralization on the Regal property in the vicinity of the historical Allco workings.
The sulphide mineralization and the structural and lithological setting shows similarities to the Rokmaster Resources Revel Ridge project located 7 km along strike to the northwest. Additionally, surface sampling returned a significant new gold-silver discovery in the northwest portion of the property.
Highlights From The 2020 Program
Silver Stoke:
- Continued successful drilling of the 2019 high grade silver vein discovery in the Allco region of the property, with RP-20-06 Intersecting 0.75 m at 651.0 g/t Ag, 7.52 % Pb, and 3.59 % Zn (1005.82 g/t AgEq).
Silver Slam:
- New discovery of high-grade silver vein with up to 1.2 g/t Au. Hole RP-20-17 intersected 12 g/t Ag (499.91 g/t AgEq) over 4.54 m.
- Multiple drill intersections of a strata-bound massive sulphide replacement horizon, with an average intersection thickness of 1.0 m and average grades of 383.91 g/t AgEq, was intersected in holes RP-20-14 through RP-20-19.
Surface Sampling:
- Grab samples indicating that polymetallic mineralization extends over 600 meters from historical Allco Adit #2, with sample B828989 returning values of 3,340 g/t Ag, >20% Pb, and 3.59 % Zn from the historical vein within the adit itself, while two samples collected 600m to the west-northwest (B828969, and B828967) returned values of 3,380 g/t Ag, >20 % Pb, and 12 % Zn, and 6.28 g/t Au, 1,040 g/t Ag, 10.2 % Pb, and 2.62 % Zn indicating that gold is present within the system.
- The discovery of a new gold and silver showing in the northwest portion of the property which returned 5.16 g/t Au and 17.25 g/t Ag in a surface grab sample of quartz-arsenopyrite veining on trend with the Revel Ridge deposit.
Affinity Metals announced results from the 2020 exploration on June 3rd, 2021 and the full press release can be found here.
Sample and Drill Results
Recent Airborne Geophysics
to Guide Future Exploration
In 2011, an extensive airborne geophysical survey (ZTEM and Aeromagnetic) conducted by Geotech Ltd. of Aurora, Ontario, for Northaven Resources Corporation outlined 4 well defined high potential target zones within the Regal Property. This survey also defined a curvilinear EM trend in excess of 8 kilometres running northwest through the Regal Property and connected several historical showings and the Mastodon mine with Rokmaster Resources Corp.’s Revel Ridge project, 2.5 kilometres to the north.
Northaven was unable to conduct further follow-up exploration work on the property and forfeited the claims; Affinity now has the opportunity to continue where they left off.
Airborne Results on Allco – Webinar
Northhaven Resources created a video webinar explaining the property and the survey. You can view by clicking this link.
The extensive property package spans approximately 8,800 hectares and hosts multiple past-producing mines including the Regal Silver mine, the Allco Silver mine and the Snowflake mine.
The Regal Silver Mine has had a long and varied history, with small amounts of production up to 1953. The Mine is largely developed, with over 6,700 meters of horizontal adits, cross-cuts and raises over ten levels which cover a vertical distance of approximately 305 meters from the No 1 level at the 1,693.6 meter elevation down to the No. 10 level at 1,388.7 meter elevation. Very little work and no known production has taken place since 1971.
Mineralization within the mine is comprised of galena, sphalerite, pyrite, tetrahedryite, cassiterite, stannite, scheelite and various silver minerals in a quartz-carbonate matrix deposited in fracture zones. These zones are expressed as a series of sub-parallel structurally controlled veins, striking northwesterly and dipping to the northeast at angles varying between 65° near surface, flattening to nearly 25° at 300 meters of depth, which vary in width from 0.3 to 9.1 meters, with an average width of nearly 2.44 meters.
The Allco Silver Mine is also part of the Regal property and was operated from 1936-1937 and produced 213 tonnes of concentrates containing 11 troz gold (1.55 g/t), 11,211 troz silver (1,637 g/t) and 173,159 lbs of lead (36.9%).
Minfile No. 082N 004
Previous Exploration Highlights
2019 Drilling Results
With numerous high grade intercepts in multiple holes, a significant new silver discovery was made in the Allco area with drill hole #10 intersecting 11.10 meters of 143.29 g/t silver including 0.55 meters of 2612.0 g/t silver. This intersection also carried high grade zinc and lead with some copper.
A total of 1,846.35 meters of diamond drilling was completed with 21 holes being drilled.
The drilling was divided over two separate target areas with 10 holes from two separate drill pads allocated to testing two areas within a graphitic argillite/limestone contact in the Allco area. Mineralized intersections encountered within the Allco area drill core consisted mostly of argentiferous galena, sphalerite and tetrahedrite hosted within quartz veins and breccias along a regional northwest-southeast fault that separates the limestones from the argillites.
A further 11 preliminary confirmation holes were drilled from a single drill pad designed to begin testing the underground structure associated with the historic Regal/Snowflake mines. The Regal mine is located within moderately to gently, westerly dipping, graphitic phyllites/argillites of the lower Index Formation. Mineralization, hosted in quartz veins concordant with host rocks, consists of pyrite, galena, sphalerite, and locally with scheelite (lower levels), stannite (upper levels), and trace chalcopyrite/tetrahedrite throughout. Sulphides occur either as disseminations in the quartz, or as massive pods or bands parallel with slatey partings.
Regal Drilling Results
Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures
The Company employed a QA/QC program that was managed by a qualified person during the entire drill program. Blanks, duplicates (both pulp splits and 1/4 core), and two certified standard reference materials were used. These QA/QC samples were inserted at a rate of 1 every 10 to 15 samples. MSA Labs processed and completed all analytical work at their facility in Langley, BC. Samples were analysed by the following methods, as appropriate, to determine grades: ICP-130 35 element two acid digestion with ICP-AES finish, IMS-130 51 element two acid digestion with ICP-AES/MS finish, FAS-418 Ag 30g fire assay with gravimetric finish, determination of Ag, Cd, Pb, W, and Zn with four acid digestion and ICP-AES finish, determination of Pb and Zn by titration, and determination of Sn by Sodium Peroxide fusion with ICP-OES finish.
2019 Grab Sample Assay Results
The Corporation received assay results for all 22 rock samples collected in September 2019 from the Black Jacket and Allco areas of the property. Of the 22 grab samples collected from surface outcrops, the majority contained bonanza grade silver, zinc, and lead with many samples reaching assay over-limits.